Elect Fred Casissa
Voting Record and Priorities
Voting Record
Voted in favor of:
Renewing Sewer Lateral Grant Program
Allowing Redwood High School Pool be made Available for Summer Swimming
Adopting Sewer Master Plan
Adopting Park and Recreation Master Plan
Allowing and Regulating Short Term Rentals
Approving Central Marin Police and Central Marin Fire MOUs
Adopting Reusable Foodware Ordinance
Approving of New Pickle Ball Courts and upgrades to the Skate Board Park
Approving New Town Park Restrooms
Continue to:
Achieve financial stability and sustainability, including balanced budgets and future forecasting.
Protect against climate change, including flooding and wildfire.
Enhance our infrastructure and maintenance for our parks, roads, and fire stations.
Provide a high level of police and fire services.
Future Challenges:
Ability to balance mandated housing requirements while maintaining the character and charm of our Town.
Adopting a Park Madera Shopping Center master plan.